06 October 2011

l'armoire part 2

I have been asked numerous times where I shop, where I find my clothes/accessories and what my favorite store is. Since I have all of my clothes in my closet right now {remember, I've yet to pull the spring/summer stuff out} it made it pretty simple to figure up some percentages.

Out of my clothes and shoes 
{not including pj's, excersize & dirty-project clothes, underthings, socks, tights)

71% are from thriftstores, consignment shops or garage sales
21.7% I have purchased brand-new {but usually for dirt cheap prices}
7.2% have been gifted to me

Out of my scarves, jewelry, hair flowers & misc. accessories

8.9% are from thriftstores, antique/vintage shops consignment shops or garage sales
22.3% I have purchased brand-new {and usually for dirt cheap prices}
55.2% have been gifted to me
13.4% are made by me

And if you really wanted to know- I do buy all of my underclothes, socks & tights brand new cause it's just *gross* otherwise!

There were times growing up when a huge percentage of my clothes were hand me downs {which I love!} but it's very rare that I receive them now. 
I don't worry too much about brand names or such cause to me it's more about each item of clothing {what it's like, how much I like it} and the price I have to pay for it.... yet at the same time, if I do own something with a swanky or posh name attached to it-- I totally appreciate that and don't take it for granted;)
Oh and I might add that an inexpensive price tag {or expensive for that matter} isn't everything. I do take into account quality.  {for example: Charlotte Russe has cute stuff and with a sale you can come away paying little but their quality is awful and everything is cheaply made}

Check back for part 3 about thrifting and fitting tips!


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