28 September 2012


You should take 3 minutes and read THIS. I echo her thoughts in so many ways. Sometimes life seems such a crazy, messy jumble that I can't wade out of... and then something stops the whirlwind of thoughts and slowly I begin to think of all the beautiful ways my life is blessed. Then I can't help but be grateful as I plow through the mess. And somehow, it doesn't seem quite as awful as it did before.
It's Friday y'all.  That's a blessin' in and of itself:)

26 September 2012


it was a crocheting, thick socks, cozy sweater, apple crisp kinda night on monday. i think those will become more frequent in the coming months:)
 i finally played around with a the manual tilt shift technique! it's a bit to juggle but fun to see the results

21 September 2012

Tutorial | Upcycled Driftwod Wind Chime

If you were looking for a little creative something to work on, here's a little tutorial to send you into the weekend!
You might not live by a beach or have a stash of driftwood handy, but sticks from a nature walk would work just as well for this project! 
a collection of driftwood/sticks | fishing string or thin jewelry wire | chimes | beads | drill + small drill bit

1}Sort out your sticks to decide which ones you want to use!

2} Then use your drill to create small holes in the center of each stick. {you will drill several holes into the stick you're placing at the bottom of the chime- one for each chime you plan to use}
3} Lay the drilled sticks out to decide in which order you'd like them to hang.
4} Cut a length of string almost three x's longer than the length of your sticks laid out. String a bead onto your length & then match of your ends & let the bead fall to the center of your string. Working from bottom to top through your stick layout, begin feeding both ends of string, together, through the sticks & add beads in between them as you go. Add one least bead at the top & tie off a knot around it. {To hang, I looped a small piece of twine through the string between the bead & top stick, then tied it off}
4} To attach the chimes, string one at a time onto a length of string. Then put both ends of the string through the hole in the stick, bottom to top. Place both ends through a bead, knot the end & trim. Repeat for as many as you choose to use.
{I apologize for the lack in pictures to accompany the tutorial! Sometimes I get so engrossed in a project that I don't think to take pictures until afterwards!}

17 September 2012

in the evening.

one of my favorite times of day is that hour or two just before sunset. the light is simply stunning, people start to grab their sweatshirts & cardigans and the smell of food on the grill brings forth a content & dreamy feeling. 
i adore her hair. 
how precious is this y'all?!
then as the sun dips below the horizon, daddy calls, "dinner's ready! wash up!"