30 May 2014

// mallow run //

i made a little promise to myself at the beginning of warm weather that i would picnic often-- whether that meant just taking today's lunch outside & eating with siblings or meeting up  with friends & sharing conversation over something more elaborate. some will get documented by camera & others won't but each one will be special in it's own way:) 
 it's also been on my bucket list for years to picnic at a winery and this one happens to be right around the corner from my house!  liss and i had planned an overnight anyway so when i heard that there would be live music at the winery that night, we decided to take a picnic & check it out! the band ended up not being very good, and shall we say, just a bit awkward, but it was a gorgeous evening to get to spend together and we came away with a funny story:) we also took the opportunity to celebrate her birthday since she'll be spending her birthday in the dominican again this year! what a beautiful life to celebrate! 
i'm so grateful for liss and her friendship and a lot of my heart definitely goes with her as she moves away for a fresh start. cannot wait for our joint adventures in san diego & memphis!

28 May 2014

// this is tuesday //

it's fair to say that tuesday nights are my favorite night of the week! not only is it the night that our little biblestudy gathers together to learn about Jesus & love on each other, but some of us get to share dinner together before hand as well! 
 kendall & i started going through the book bread & wine by shauna niequist this spring. in it she focuses on community around the table and slowing down to share meals & life together. accompanying each chapter is a recipe and we've made it a goal to try all of the recipes (about 30) before i move in the fall. 
we sometimes did dinner before biblestudy anyway and we were needing a time each week when we as leaders could build into each other so it's been perfect that we do tuesday night dinners! we're still honing our cooking & time management skills so we don't end up scarfing down food in 10 minutes before we go to pick up girls but so far, each week has been a great adventure in cooking!

during the school year and some of the summer months, my sisters don't get to come with me to biblestudy due to schedule stuff so it's been extra fun to have them with us the past few weeks! they've been big helps in the kitchen too:)
i can't even begin to express how much this group of girls & women mean to me or how much i'm going to miss tuesday nights come fall, but i am confident that the Lord is going to continue doing incredible things at 1351 over the next year! 

24 May 2014

foundry w/ alora.

that one time when alora & i had time to burn before heading to chicago-town. 
me working & her exploring kinfolk with giant mugs of tea in hand:)
foundry prov is a fave!