31 May 2013

memorial day twentythirteen.

for memorial day each year, the national cemetary in indianapolis holds a service in memory of those who have served our country... and this year they invited everyone to bring a picnic lunch as well. i thought it a bit odd but....

30 May 2013

>> pointing to Jesus

as my mentor and i prepare to sit down this weekend, she asked what woman of the bible i want to focus on next (we've been looking at various women of the bible; learning from their lives). i'm not sure what made me choose miriam, but i did. so last night, sometime after midnight, i sat out on the deck in the stillness of the night and began reading exodus 2, along with the transcript of a study on miriam by vicky kraft. 

after reading for a while, i got to the following paragraph and stopped cold.

"we see here that she is a leader of the women. she takes her place of leadership, but her leadership directed them to the Lord-- in praise to the Lord."

wowza. she leads, but in a way that directs the focus of others to the Lord. 

may i learn to lead in that way.

images from Uganda 2012

crown hill shenanigans

what can i say?!! we three bring out the crazy in each other:)