{I'd like to introduce my 2 film cameras- in two separate posts}
Film cameras are what first got me interested in the world of shutter speeds, ISO numbers, exposure, DOF, etc. Needless to say, I knew *nothing* about those things when I owned my first film camera-- nor would it be until many years later that I would first discover their uses... but just being able to capture a smidgen of life as it flew by me was enough to pull me into photography! Ever since leaving those days of film {when all I knew to do was press the shutter and replace the roll of film} for digital, I've wanted to go back. To use film more as a hobby but develope my knowledge of it nonetheless. Here's a look at the two cameras which will help to get me started down that road.
{what happened to the camera that got me interested in the first place, you ask? Sadly, after much use, it took it's last picture for me while on a trip out West in '05}
This last fall at a cousins wedding, I ran into a great-aunt of mine. She had seen me carrying my camera around all night and started asking me about my photography. As I mentioned how I would love to dabble in film someday she interrupted and said excitedly, "you *really* want to?!" and as I said yes she replied, "I used to be in photography years ago but my camera has sat in the closet for so long and I'm never going to use it again- would you like it?! It has at least one or two lenses with it and is in great condition!"
I was just about speechless! Of course I said yes... are you kidding me?! But I had never expected someone to just hand their camera off to me like that! True to her word, my aunt sent it only a week later-- and it was like Christmas in September!
Now comes my horrible confession: it has sat in my closet all.winter.long because it needed cleaning and I've not had a moment to take it and get it cleaned! gah!! So. my spring goal is to go get the darling cleaned and start using it! {p.s. Did I mention it's a Nikon. I'm now a tainted Canon shooter;) teehee}
Stay tuned for an introduction to my *other* film shooter!
Stay tuned for an introduction to my *other* film shooter!
Camera: Nikon N50 Lens(s): Nikon AF 28-80mm 3.5-5.6f | Tamron AF 70-300mm 4-5.6f
{all images belong to me. please ask before using or re-posting | image *of* me taken by Johann}
Hey Em! If you need any help cleaning your cameras and haven't gotten to it in a few weeks, I have some supplies and stuff that could help if you want. Also, if you're really into film, I have the equipment for a full B&W darkroom, and could teach you how to develop your own stuff. It adds a whole new realm to film!