27 May 2024

Oaxaca | El Tulle

AirBnb Experiences really came through on this trip and gave us some small group activities that were really fun! One day we did a group bike ride out to El Tulle which is the known as the largest tree (by width) in the world. The little town is completely centered around this tree and it's notoriety so there wasn't much more to do once we got there but we had a yummy lunch, tried Champurrado (a chocolate corn drink) and loved getting to see the scenes of every day life on our ride there and back!

Oaxaca | Le Paz

Wandering around the various neighborhoods which are apart of central Oaxaca was certainly our favorite way to spend each day. Most of the images in today's post were captured within a few blocks of where we were staying and became familiar sights throughout the week.