28 February 2013

Tutorial | Confetti Stationary

Each time I run out of stationary, I usually end up just making my own. So it's fun to try something a little different each time. You might remember catalogue post cards, letter cardsrecycled notes. I also had a bunch of fun creating simple hand painted stationary for myself last summer but forgot to photograph it before I used it:/
This time I was inspired by these envelopes & images like this, this & this:)  I love how imperfect they turned out!

cardstock (any size you like- I used 9x6)
pencil with new eraser or circle stamp
craft paint

Using your eraser or stamp, come up with all sorts of fun designs for each sheet! Let them dry and then write a note to a friend:) And don't forget the envelope! There's a template at the bottom of the post.

{forgive the poor image quality! my camera was being temperamental with the low light.}

card stock | paint | circle stamp | envelope template

25 February 2013

in the process...

there have been times when i've slacked on this blog...and then there have been times when i have SLACKED.  and yeah. it's been one of the former. it doesn't really help that i haven't had any time for creative projects (no projects = no tutorials for you) or that this is the one time of year i pull out my camera the least (short days + poor light + too many other things going on = no pretty pictures to blog). but.... the great blogging slump of twenty-thirteen is about to be remedied. hip hip hurrah!
i'm working on a few tutorials, the days are getting longer (and hopefully warmer!!), portrait & wedding season are right around the corner and i'm soon to be on the road traveling again!

in other news. i can't begin to count the reasons that spring is my favorite time of year but the top two would be... no 1. warmer weather & no. 2 everything alive & pretty again!
oh and p.s.
 to all y'all northerners, i'm sure this post seems incredibly pre-mature... i know y'all aren't used to spring coming till april-- sometimes may. but where i'm from. spring comes in march and the daffodils & tulips are blooming long before my birthday. and to my thinking, that's just about right:) so even if it's still 30 degrees here in march, my mind has already switched gears to spring!
images from 2011 archives

16 February 2013


i never know what to think of january & february. some years they are the slowest, coldest months and only good for hibernating & projects... while other years the weather is a constant change from warm to cold & i'm kept on my toes, running all over town.
this year it's been the latter. ever since the second week in january, i've been on a non-stop roll. this blog hasn't shown very much productivity but the rest of life sure has!
i publically launched fernweh photography, checked two time-consuming photo projects off my to-do list, brainstormed about branding & packaging, switched to working with the inner-city ministry 3 days a week instead of 2 & drove well over 1,000 miles  (that much driving should be normal in my book by now, right?!). i also ran all over town house sitting, helping friends pack to move, visiting with a friend & her new babe, grabbing lunch, coffee & dinner with friends in between everything else, meeting with clients... and somehow found time to read a book from beginning to end! 
this is just the beginning of the whirlwind and though i love to stay busy, especially during these months... there's a part of me that misses being able to focus on quiet time with Jesus & creative outlets. soaking in simple inspiration, going in depth and producing some of my favorite projects. 
 by next week, our family will be full swing into our busiest season of the year-- during which we'll also find time to sing 'happy birthday' 7 times:)  i'm in the midst of planning two trips (checking chicago & seattle off my travel list this spring!!) and dreaming about several more! it's a little hard wrapping my mind around the coming summer since i'm in such an odd season of life (many of my friends are still in school/have summer breaks... while i work year  'round with a lot of flexibility).
 but i want to be really intentional about these warmer months that are coming. so next on my to-do list is to write a list of goals... things to do, projects to complete & places to see.

 and those times will be sure to include moments to sit, breath deeply & simply enjoy what is.  praising a Creator who is unfathamably generous & faithful. 

what does late winter hold for you?

what my workspace usually looks like-- whether the floor, my bed, the table.... at my house, a coffee shop or someone else's home

11 February 2013

 THIS is the reason I love to have opportunities to capture YOUR life moments. so you & your family can treasure the stories throughout generations:)
and THIS, is the reason why I printed 1,223 personal images from last year. it's an honor to be a silent historian.
