31 July 2011

Refashion: Box Pleat Skirt

{Apologies in advance for all of the photos... Elisabeth and I were enjoying the mini-photoshoot a bunch. She rarely gets to use my camera and I rarely get to be in front of the camera like this:)}

I found this retro skirt at a little boutique in Ohio with my Grandma. I loved the length but the waist was *teeny tiny*!!! Like REALLY tiny. As in- it would have been almost perfect on Elisabeth. Rediculous!!
 {SIDE NOTE!! I also found this elegant 50's cocktail dress in great condition {for $5!!} at the same store... but it needs a little altering (how in the world did they have such small waists?!) so it will be a while before I can wear it and post about it!!}.
And back to the subject at hand:)
I ripped out the stitches from the waist band and what do you know? There was 60" of fabric at my disposal once it came off! I had seen Lizzie's box pleat skirt tutorial {over at Cotton & Curls} and really wanted to try it out (first time in a VERY long time following directions for a project!! haha remember I told you I don't like to follow directions or patterns?!!).  
After removing the waist band, I cut the skirt from top to bottom on the right side (the left side had a zipper that I wanted left in). Then I followed her directions for sewing in the side edges and adding the box pleats. It took me a little while {make that a long while} to get a rhythm for sewing in the pleats but things finally started going smoothly! {side note: I hate using pins when I sew unless *absolutely* necessary so I've found that the iron is my best friend!}
 Originally I had planned to keep the maxi-length and just give it a waist that would fit me but sewing the pleats in left it at an awkward length so I chopped of the bottom and double hemmed it.
 Pulling in the waist to make it fitted while keeping the skirt full was a bit tricky but with some tips from Mama, I eventually was able to get the side sewn back together! {*please* don't ask me how! haha I just wung it. or wang it. or winged it. however you say that!}
 My gorgeous and very obliging photographer who insists she wants to be a photographer when she grows up. And though she obviously would be a great one-- everyone knows that she's the one around here who was born with all the fashion sense!

{Click here for the Box Pleat Tutorial}

p.s. This is what I made out of the waistband!!


Just heard this song on the radio for the first time last night and immediately thought of the upcoming movie Courageous which will be in theaters September 30th.   Also had the thought that the song will probably be in the movie and guess what? Sure enough, when I watched the music video today, clips of the movie are part of it!! 

I am so excited about this film and the message it so strongly brings. It's a call and a challenge to this generation; to the fathers and sons. To stand up and be leaders. To throw away the world's glasses and put on those of Christ's.
But it's not just for the men. I think it will hold something poignant and challenging for each one of us. Are we ladies letting the men in our lives be the men and leaders God has called them to be? Or are we trying to control and be the leaders ourselves... and in the midst of that making our brothers, husbands, sons, fathers discouraged & run-down.
 The world expects so little of men & women today and does it's best to confuse the special roles God has given specifically to gentleman and specifically to ladies. But God calls us so much higher, makes perfectly clear His calling for our lives, and gives us the strength to be *courageous* as we work *together* for His glory.

{I rarely cry during films... but I think I might need to carry a box of tissues with me for this one}

30 July 2011

1 Dress. 100 Days. for orphans.

Speaking of stretching your creativity to the max aaaand doing it for an incredible cause.... meet Miss Elaini!!  {Read her story *here*}

She's wearing ONE dress for ONE HUNDRED DAYS for orphans!! It's been so cool to follow her journey and watch one dress be transformed into {almost!} 100 outifts! But more than that, to hear her passion for helping these children {she has such a talent for beautiful word pictures} and see her get closer and closer to her goal of $50,000. 

And that's where *YOU* come in. She's going on day 92 with $34,235.71 left to raise and *YOU* can help her reach her goal!  
"If 1,000 people gave $34 dollars we would meet our goal!!!"
That might be huge but from where I come from {the body of Christ}, that is nowhere NEAR impossible!! So Text ORPHAN to 52000 to give $10 or visit her BLOG and click on the "Give Now" button to contribute. 

28 July 2011


I finally joined Pinterest!!! {maybe this has to do with seeing my blog linked there a few times & the same day Mary asking me if I had one:)}
Anyway. I've already found that it's the greatest place for collecting inspiration *ever*!!! And it's my own fault that I didn't jump into it earlier. So if you're procrastinating like I was- go join! You'll love it!!

My first pin{so dreamy}:

27 July 2011

Gene Kelly

If just watching someone can wear you out, Gene Kelly will! He is such a ball of energy in these few clips and his talent -as always- is exceptional!

The Jacobus Duo

I'm continually pulling inspiration, techniques and knowledge from other photographers when I look at their work... but a lot of the time I throw learning out the window & just sit and ooh & ahh over their talent on display:) And so it went when I saw Rachel Jacobus' baby-bump shoot with my cousin Nicole & her husband Brian! 
The styling and imagery are so lovely... and Nicole is just gorgeous and so cute with that little bump!

I had the opportunity to shadow Rachel back in September for Nicole and Brian's wedding and watching her work was incredible! She is so passionate about connecting with her clients and her love for her work just shines through. Give Rachel and Jared's blog some love for sneak peeks of other shoots. And if you live in the Columbus, Ohio area, I know they'd be happy to talk with you about any photography jobs you may have for them! 

{Click *here* to see the rest of the shoot}

Photos via Jacobus Photography, Columbus, Ohio
{p.s. this is my 100th post!!}

Film Cameras: Rebel G

You thought I was done introducing my film cameras right? Well I thought so too-- at least for the present. But then Daddy found another one for me while we were in Michigan... and the Rebel G was added to my filmer family.
I found Daddy on the front porch of our lake house when I got back from the lavender farm with the girls one morning. He had this mischievous grin on his face and after telling me about his bike ride to Harbor Springs {the next town over from where we were staying} he told me to go look on the dining room table. Goodness was I surprised! And so excited! He found the camera body, two lenses and a swell tripod {I just might have been *really* excited about that tripod!} at a yardsale for practically nothing. So cool!

This was one of the last film cameras produced in the Rebel line before Canon started it's Digital Rebel line. Introduced in September of 1996, it was a camera that could be used by the serious photographer or the hobbyist. Outside of being film, it's so very similar to my first digital, the Canon Digital Rebel Xti.
It also came with two lenses which fit my dSLR 50D but the autofocus motor is worn out on both so they can only be used with manual focus.

I've only shot with this camera a few times but here are a few pros and cons I've noticed.

  • The ISO hits 6400 manually if needed
  • It's very versatile with lenses

  • The body itself is so incredibly light that any lens you attach feels like it's about to go off the deep end. {I'm thankful they came back with the bulkier bodies for digital because although it's a little more weight to carry during a shoot or event, it balances the weight so much better allowing for comfortable transportation.} 
  • Only 3 AF sensors {maybe I'm just spoiled!}
  • Plastic lens mount

 This is probably the film camera that I would use in more difficult lighting situations or whenever I still need help learning something.
As I mentioned, it came with two lenses. 
A 28-80mm kit lens {as seen on body} and a Sigma 70-300mm 4-5.6f/s lens {as seen below}. 
I wasn't incredibly crazy about either when I tried them on my digital but I might like them more when used with film. And it's nice to know that I can always use my 28-135mm 3.5-5.6f/s lens on the Rebel G body if I'm totally dissatisfied with the other lenses. 
Can't wait to get some rolls of film developed!!

26 July 2011

Wine Cork Blackboard

THIS project is one that I've had in mind for well over a year! I first saw something like it at an antique store and couldn't wait until the opportunity presented itself to try making one myself! When I discribed it to my aunt while in Ohio several weeks ago, she caught on with my vision and gave me a whole bowl of wine corks to work with! The end result of this wine cork chalkboard that I made for her {as pictured} still needs a few tweaks in it's design but I'm happy with how the first one turned out:) 
So you want to make one too?! Read on:)

You'll need:
1 slate chalkboard
1 thin wooden board | Black paint | Tile grout {click here for chalkboard paint "recipe"}
a pile of wine corks
a hot glue gun
{If you do have a slate chalkboard to use that's awesome! You can skip this step & should be able to apply the other steps well}
 For the board, I took a very thin piece of wood that had been sanded to give it a smooth surface and applied two coats of chalkboard paint {click *here* for the paint "recipe"}. After the last coat of paint had dried, I lightly sanded it to smooth the rough spots. Then Micah cut it to the size I wanted. Now it was ready for the corks! 
The number of corks you'll need depends on how large your board is and how many rows of corks you wish to make. So before you start gluing, lay them out on the floor and get an idea of  your dimensions.

Then grab your hot glue gun and start gluing!! It might be a trial and error process for the first few but you'll get the hang of it. Once you have the glue on the cork, slap it down really quickly because it hardens so fast! Applying lots of pressure helps as well.
Continue to glue corks in the desired pattern until you're happy with the results. Questions? Let me know and I'll answer them the best I can!
Yep-- we're recycling them all right:)

And look what I spotted in Michigan!!!
 These corks were cut in half before being attached to the frame of this mirror. 
 These corks were simply attached to another cork-board/bulletin board

19 July 2011

|| Dressology ||

I'm loving Ruche's new dressology because it's enabling me to share something with you that I've wanted to post about for several weeks now... only they've already done all the photography, editing & such so I can share it with you right now instead of in another couple of weeks! 

Using one piece of clothing for so many different outfits and in so many different ways is just too much fun!  I've have several pieces that are rarely worn the same way twice in a row because they just have so much potential! Uncover the potential in your wardrobe.   Next time you think you need to go buy some new clothes, just dig a little deeper in your closet;) 

So enjoy Ruche's inspiration and maybe when I have a  chance I'll do a follow up of my own outfits to give you more ideas!

12 July 2011


Here are just a few of the sites I've been surfing recently that are definitely share-worthy!  

Spotted Moth ~ a lovely boutique with vintage flair... much like Ruche but they also specialize in Art prints, hand made items and gifts for guys.

Libby Story~ truly vintage and recycled clothing & one of my fave!!

Unexpected Expectancy~ Reasonably priced vintage style jewelry
Copper Etiquette~ stunning dresses for every occasion

Jem Apparel~ a classic feminine clothing line with a vintage twist
              don't forget to look at the Hidden Jems page for a collection of the owners favorites!      

Spancy Ketosherosh Vintage~ a shop full of handpicked vintage items including clothing, accessories, home decor & more! The shop is temporarily closed from July 11th- 17th but check back when it reopens!
Happy Thoughts~ I know this sweet Alabama girl from my southern PB days and though we rarely talk anymore, I love to check up on her blog every once in a while because it's always just so full of life adventures, inspiration & her awesome style! You might just love it too:)

and last but not least... Mary just introduced me to Amy Kuney and I've fallen in love with her voice. 
Take a listen:

*images are by me; please ask before copying or using!
**note: I obviously don't agree with every single mode of dressing or advertising as seen on these websites but at the same time, there are wonderful clothes and loads of inspiration in each one of them so please just use your own discretion.

09 July 2011

More Bullet Points:)

1} My Macbook Pro arrived yesterday and has already shown how amazing it can be!!! Thank you Lord for the provision!! No more lost photos from crashed computers or having to empty all my files off the laptop as soon as I'm done working with them!

2} Swing dancing at FS tonight for the first time in a year was just so amazing!! Hadn't realized as I danced other places in between how much I missed the FS scene! {and I'll definitely be missing my swing partners big time when in August one heads to New York and the other to Taiwan for a year!!}

3}Heading out to MI for a week with my family in just a few hours!! Since our van was in an accident and isn't safe to drive such a distance, insurance is covering a rental. Praise the Lord!! But guess what color van my Daddy chose? Fire engine red {15 passenger}. As if we don't already attract enough attention:) But the boys are happy cause we're huge Ohio State fans representing as we drive through Michigan! haha

Have a marvelous weekend y'all!!

07 July 2011

Portraits | Micah

Micah means > who is like Jehovah?
 Micah received his GED within just a few weeks of me getting my diploma so we had the opportunity to graduate together!! This mini-shoot was about the equivalent of a mini Senior shoot but I'll refrain from calling it that:)

 Using his bike in the shoot added a really fun demention for me to work with and he was super obliging every time I need it moved a little bit differently:)